What is Self-Care?

Many people view self-care the same as self-indulgence. Self-care is the act of caring for oneself and is an important aspect of overall health and well-being. It is the practice of taking a proactive role in preserving one’s own physical, mental and emotional health, especially during times of stress. Presence of self-care includes:  

  • Absence of anxiety and depression
  • Fulfillment and satisfaction with life
  • Overall and positive functioning
  • Physical, psychological, emotional, economic and social well-being

How Seniors Benefit From Self-Care

Many older adults have cared for someone else their entire life, so they ikely didn’t have a lot of time to practice self-care techniques. Self-care contributes to better mental, physical and emotional well-being. Research also suggests that self-care in seniors promotes better health outcomes including resilience, a longer life and adapting better to stress and managing stressful events.

Self-Care Tips for Seniors

Take Care of Your Emotional Health

It’s common for older adults to struggle with depression or anxiety. It’s always a good thing to talk with a friend even if you are satisfied with your life. 

Enjoy the Outdoors

Make it a habit to walk outside every day and be in nature. Even a short walk in the park can have amazing health benefits and help you clear your mind. If you don’t go outside, just looking at the beautiful views of nature can calm your nerves, relieve mental fatigue and make you generally feel happier.


Regularly taking time out to visit with friends and family helps to release endorphins, combat depression and boost the mood.

Find the Right Care

Finding an assisted living community is a great way for seniors to practice self-care on a regular basis. Having care professionals by their side 24/7 means residents at The Lodge at Natchez Trace don’t have to worry about their daily needs. Find out how our care can benefit your loved one by contacting us today.

Business Hours:
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Visiting Hours:
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

RESOURCES: http://www.cms.gov/

8207 Highway 100
Nashville, TN 37221
Phone: (615) 646-3334

Copyright 2023 The Lodge at Natchez Trace | All Rights Reserved 

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